The Leaders at 16th Glasgow's Cub Pack have kindly allowed some of our Cubs to join them on their weekend camp at Auchengillan this August. This combined camp will help me (Spud) to get my authorisation to take Cubs camping... I'll be there, and some of our other leaders might be there too.We've only got 6 or 7 places. These will be offered to our Sixers and Seconders for first refusal. These offers will be made by text, and will require a prompt reply so that places can then be offered to other Cubs if necessary.
The camp will be at Auchengillan Outdoor Centre on the Glasgow - Drymen Road.
It will take place from 1930 on Friday 28th August, until 1500 on Sunday 30th August.
The cost will be £30 per cub.
Further details can be found in the Permission & Information Form... if you've been offered a place and would like to accept it, please download and print a copy of the form then return it to Spud with your payment by Thursday 30th July.
If you've not already done so, please complete the "Update of Cub Membership Details and Consents" form. This can also be downloaded and printed. Enclose it with the Camp form and cheque.
Update 26/07/09 1155h:
All 7 places have been taken and confirmed by me. The paperwork and payment needs to arrive with me in time to secure the place. A reserves list will be started if necessary. Thanks for your prompt replies - it makes the organisation of events like this much easier! Spud.
Update 30/07/09 1900h:
One space has become available for the camp... it will be allocated on a first come - first served basis. Contact me to see if it is still available... then get the forms and payment to me ASAP. Thanks. Spud.
Update 11/08/09 2030h:
All places have been taken once again. I will keep a reserve list if any Cub is still interested - they will be offered places on a first come first served basis if another Cub needs to drop out for some reason.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Weekend Camp in Auchengillan
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