Cubs in Summerston, Maryhill, Glasgow

Sunday 16 May 2010

Glentress Adventures

We took another trip to the 7 Stanes Mountain Biking Trail Centre at Glentress this Saturday. A bunch of our guys took to the trails to hone their mountain biking skills. Most of the lads had been before, and it was the first time for one.

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera... so no pics this time - sorry!

A big thank-you goes to the Allander Youth Activities Trust for once again supporting this trip, reducing the cost per child to around a third of the actual cost.

Thanks too goes to Chris, Dave, Ben, Rose and Spud for riding the trails with the kids and shuttling the van up and down the hill for them!

Blair Drummond - Update

At present we don't have nearly enough leaders available to run this trip for the number of kids who would like to attend. So, if any parents are available to help supervise the kids when we go to Blair Drummond Safari Park, please can you text Spud... siblings could come along too if that helps - cost per sibling would be £12, and adult helpers would be free.

Please let me know ASAP. Thanks. Spud.

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