Cubs in Summerston, Maryhill, Glasgow

Sunday 28 February 2010

Sledging & Swimming

On Friday the Cubs were learning some First Aid to help them earn their Emergency Aid Badges. They made stretchers using their jackets and some poles and had great fun racing around the obstacles!

Then there was a change of plan on Saturday... because Glentress was under a few inches of snow... we had to re-schedule our mountain biking trip. At present, the plan is for this trip to go ahead on Saturday 13th March... the 7 kids who were booked originally will be expected unless I hear from them (your deposit stands against the new date unless I hear from you by Friday 6th March). If any of them can't make it on the new date, their place will become available for another Cub... so if you'd like to go mountain biking but hadn't booked, let me know ASAP so I can put your name down on the reserves list. Details are on the original ODA form - the only change is the new date of March 13th.

Instead of mountain biking, we decided to make the most of the snow!

So we set off for the Campsie hills, and made the most of the white stuff that was still lying on the higher ground there...

We all had great fun, replicating the Winter Olympics in our own wee ways! The only hassle was climbing up the steep slope after we'd slid down...

And sometimes it was easier just to roll back down again...

After all that freezing fun, we made our way to the Gorbals Leisure Centre where we warmed ourselves up in the wild water rapids! All in all, despite being last-minute... our change of plan worked out swimmingly!

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